Episode 12: Grace’s Christmas Concert

Welcome to Story Time with Darcie! 
In every episode, you hear a piece of my own short fiction. I’m an eclectic writer, so you may be surprised by the genres and situations, but what these stories have in common is their exploration of big ideas.

It’s December in Canada and I expect many of you, like me, are dreaming of a winter wonderland sprinkled with coloured lights and song. I know not everyone celebrates Christmas, but decorated trees, gift-giving, and eating too much rich food has been a part of my tradition since birth. I hope, therefore, you will understand why this month’s episode will be a classic Christmas story.

We have four new voices to welcome to the podcast today! Andrea Hilborn, Denny Ramsay-Brown, Kathleen Ramsay-Brown, and Shahram Yousefi are each friends from a different time and place in my life. While they’ve never overlapped before (other than the Ramsay-Browns that is), this is an appropriate time of year to bring friends from all corners together. Thank you each, for sharing your voice and bringing your special light to this month’s story.

Grace’s Christmas Concert, was written in December 2018 when I was filled with Christmas spirit and it spilled out in story form. It still gives me all the feels when I read it, and I confess, they may have slipped out while I was recording. Which leads me to the Content Warning: this story may make you cry

Did you make it through with dry eyes? 

Thank you, Andrea, Denny, Kathleen, and Shahram for joining me today. I also want to thank everyone who responded to my request a couple of weeks ago! Eden, Killian, Desmond, Lyra, Hilke, Ron, Pamela, Gen, Liam, Becky, Sam, Lisa, Joey, Sean, and Lily. From all corners of our listenership, your voices joined together in a wonderful chorus for the conclusion of today’s story!

This also rounds out the first full year of Story Time with Darcie. I hope you’ve enjoyed the stories and the performances. If you have, please, help me keep the podcast going by sharing it! Leave a five-star rating on Apple podcasts or write a review to help more people find us. If a friend is looking for something new to listen to, suggest Story Time with Darcie. If an episode make you think of someone in particular, send it their way! Every time you share it makes a difference!

That’s it for today’s episode of Story Time with Darcie. I’ll be back in January with the first story of season two when you’ll hear some familiar voices and meet some new as well. 

If you would like to become a voice on Story Time with Darcie, please, reach out! My eclectic stories need a variety of voices, and yours will be a welcome addition!

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, celebrating your traditions and spreading joy. 2020 has been crazy. I wish you health and happiness until we meet again in the New Year. 

Thank you for listening. To read more of my stories and perhaps inspire my next one, check out my website: www.darcietkelly.me and join me on facebook @DarcieTKelly. If you’re interested in purchasing a copy of Musings: A Collection of Short Stories, get in touch through the facebook page or email me (email4darciekelly(at)gmail.com). And please, subscribe on your podcatcher of choice for future episodes of Story Time with Darcie

Until next month, stay well, and keep smiling.

Direct Link to text version of Grace's Christmas Concert.


S2E1: The Value of a Journey


Episode 11: A Brief (Fictional) History of Communication (with Fratricide) and Finger Paint